Heroes Reborn


Game Designer

June 2015 - August 2015

Phosphor Studios

Gemini: Heroes Reborn is a Single Player adventure title on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC set in the Heroes Reborn universe

Built in Unreal Engine 4, Gemini: Heroes Reborn is a Single Player title featuring a super powered heroine capable of time traveling, wielding telekinetic powers, and a mysterious history. Created alongside Heroes Reborn: Enigma, Gemini shares story moments and gameplay mechanics with the mobile title I also had the opportunity to contribute to.

My contributions to Gemini:

  • Scripted puzzles and enemy encounters in the Prison level using Blueprints

  • Collaborated with the Lead Designer and Lead Animator to implement nearly all cinematic storytelling moments into the game using Matinee

  • Worked alongside Level Designers to place Collectibles throughout the game

  • Assisted with the creation of specific Achievements using Blueprints

  • General bug fixes


Damaged Core


Heroes Reborn: Enigma