Damaged Core


Game Designer

November 2015 - June 2016

High Voltage Software

Damaged Core is a Single Player VR FPS built from the ground up for the Oculus Rift in Unreal Engine 4

In Damaged Core, the player assumes the role of a newly created artificial intelligence with no true body to speak of. The goal is to fight against the evil “Core,” a nefarious group of evil AI controlled robots, in order to save the human race. As an AI, the player can hack into enemy robots to gain new weaponry and better positioning in the world.

I started on Damaged Core just after pre-production finished and stayed on all the way through to shipping the title.

On Damaged Core I had the opportunity to:

  • Script over 2 hours of gameplay using Blueprints (out of a 10 hour long campaign)

  • Designed and implemented the initial Tutorial level alongside more Senior members of the design team. Playtested daily with new users to ensure gameplay mechanics and storytelling beats were integrated correctly.

  • Worked with the animation team to deliver high quality cinematic moments that incorporated the player in interesting ways using the VR headset

  • Designed AI behaviors and weapons for multiple enemies in the game. Worked closely with the animation and engineering team to bring the AI from concept to full implementation.

  • Re-designed multiple level layouts prior to scripting gameplay on them

  • Included dozens of ambient Matinee sequences to further immerse the player into the world of Damaged Core

  • Worked alongside a small strike team responsible for creating two boss fights from initial concept to full implementation

  • Squashed hundreds of bugs to bring the title to a well polished state prior to launch


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