Heroes Reborn: Enigma


Game Designer

June 2015 - August 2015

Phosphor Studios

Heroes Reborn: Enigma is a Single Player puzzle solving mobile title on iOS and Android set in the Heroes Reborn universe

I was hired as a Game Designer in the final months before shipping Heroes Reborn: Enigma. I had the opportunity to help script gameplay, squash bugs, and implement cinematic beats into the title. The title was built in Unreal Engine 4.

My contributions to Enigma:

  • Scripted 3 puzzle levels from start to finish. This included some initial level blockouts, scripting the puzzles themselves using Blueprint, and including any cinematics needed to push the story forward.

  • Worked with the animation team to deliver high quality cinematics

  • Implemented dozens of VO calls throughout the game


Gemini: Heroes Reborn


Project Cherry