World of Tanks Console


Senior Game Designer

January 2018 - March 2021

World of Tanks Console is a massively multiplayer Free to Play title on Xbox One, Playstation 4, and Next Gen hardware

Tank Commander

July 2018 - March 2021

Tank Commander is a unique asymmetrical game mode in which one player controls nine AI tanks (Commander), RTS style, battling against six human players (Tankers), World of Tanks style! This event mode is the largest event added to World of Tanks Console to date. Starting in mid 2018, Tank Commander has undergone a large number of updates and improvements. 

In 2020 Tank Commander was expanded to include PvE content across all 10 Tiers of vehicles in the game! Players can choose their favorite tanks and fight against AI on a variety of maps to win Silver and grind Tank XP.

Collaborated with the marketing and community teams to create a Tank Commander guide, found here: Tank Commander Guide

My work on Tank Commander includes: 

  • Created new ways for non-Tank Commander related modes to utilize new systems, such as the ability to have multiple maps available, adding Rental Tanks to a mode, and Seasonal Op progression. 

  • Designed systems necessary for shipping the PvE mode on our existing PvP maps, without interfering with content creation for the main game

  • Met with the executive leadership team to identify long term goals for the mode

  • Designed controller layouts and improvements for each release

  • Reduced AI scope to fit the needs of an RTS player

  • Re-designed existing maps to work for the mode, specifically cleaning up problematic areas for the Commander

  • Designed new Commander tools, such as Unit Formations, Face Direction Tactics, and Quick Selection Methods

  • Balanced Commander Roster lineups after each event

  • Added large-scale features to the mode, including Tank Rentals, Rostering, and core systems from the base game

  • Incorporated an economy and Ops system for players to gain rewards as they play

  • Playtested and balanced over a dozen levels across thousands of tank combinations to ensure Tank Commander PvE was a fun and balanced mode

AI Design

January 2018 - March 2021

The major system I was in charge of for all projects at the Chicago Wargaming branch is our AI. I worked daily with our AI Engineer to design new improvements to all of our AI systems. Since early 2018, we accomplished AI sophisticated enough to play alongside players in our PvP environment, improved workflow for map creation by leaning on AI to test maps, and designed new Roles and Tactics. 

Some standout work: 

  • Identified how our Single Player AI could be improved to play at Tiers 1-10 (the entire game) in our PvP environment alongside players. The AI system is dynamic and assigns Goals and Tactics based on the vehicle the AI is operating in and compares how it performs against the rest of the vehicles used in the match. AI will adjust their strategy on the fly as they encounter enemy vehicles with higher or lower stats compared to theirs. This system also drastically reduces queue times during low population hours. 

  • Improved playtest workflow by working with Engineers to implement a master on/off server side switch to enable bots quickly. This allows large scale playtest to fill in empty slots with bots, or for a single developer to enter a match with bots. 

  • Iterated and re-designed the AI as necessary to work for event modes like Tank Commander

  • Created additional Single Player AI Tactics and Roles to add gameplay variance

  • Ongoing bug fixes and small-scale improvements

PvE Mode

December 2020 - March 2021

A major feature I played a role in creating is the 7.0 release of PvE Mode. This mode was created as a casual environment for players to enjoy World of Tanks without the stress of fighting other humans. Up to 15 players enter a match on the same team, fighting against 15 AI.

I primarily designed the systems responsible for the mode to operate:

  • Designed a basic matchmaker for the mode, which included tank mirror matching with players and loadout matching

  • Designed a variety of balance mechanics, such as health modifiers based on Tiers of tanks being used by AI, damage modifiers for players shooting AI, and more.

  • Collaborated with the Level Design team to implement new spawner settings for the mode to work.

  • Tested and balanced the mode early to ensure our vision for a 90%+ win rate for humans was possible.

  • Assisted with the initial setup for Economy payout and balance factors.

Systems Design

January 2018 - March 2021

I've additionally added new systems to our projects throughout my three years at Wargaming. These systems vary in complexity and scope, meeting the needs of other Designers or our Creative Director. 

  • Designed spawner settings for Tank Commander PvE to co-exist alongside our normal PvP spawners

  • Iterated with engineers to find improvements to our matchmaker code

  • Worked with our Tools team to improve workflow when setting up a level to include bots

  • Numerous system improvements planned to launch within the next 6 months

Turret Town Event Mode

Jan - March 2020

Turret Town was 2020s April Fools mode, in which players control a Pillbox Turret in the Ghost Town map. All player Turrets had no in-game UI and dozens of fake Turrets were placed throughout the map, creating a fun prop-hunt style event mode. 

​I prototyped this mode in early January, proving out the core concept was fun and interesting for an April Fools event, before pitching the prototype to our Creative Director in February. Once the mode was approved, I oversaw the full implementation of the mode, working with 6-8 people to iterate, polish, and ultimately ship the mode on time for an early April release. 

My work on Turret Town: 

  • Prototyped the initial event demo utilizing previous systems from World of Tanks

  • Created tasks and tracked progress for vehicle improvements, art tasks, and marketing material creation for the mode

  • Re-designed the existing Ghost Town map to work with respawns and a lower player count 

  • Playtested the event daily with the design team and incorporated their feedback to improve the core concept of the mode

Lunar Event Mode

Jan - March 2019

The Lunar event mode ran during April Fool's week in 2019. I was in charge of revamping an older version of Lunar from over two years ago. In Lunar mode players fight as Lunar Rover tanks on the Moon and Mars in low gravity environments!

2019's Lunar event has details located here: Lunar 2019

My impact on Lunar:  

  • Implemented Respawns from Core Breach into Lunar 

  • Redesigned all Lunar weapons and included a new projectile for players to use

  • Rebalanced all tank stats to work with Respawns

  • Fixed problematic physics on the tank in order to work with recent server upgrades

  • Updated economy gains, avoiding major currency earns because of Respawns

  • Included Mars as a playable map alongside Moon

  • Fixed numerous bugs leftover from previous server upgrades

Core Breach Event Mode

Nov 2018 - Jan 2019

​Core Breach was a brand new event mode developed in late 2018 and released in January of 2019. In this event mode, players took control of bi-pedal Mechs! This required additional physics systems developed in order to make controlling a two-legged machine to feel right, as well as improvements to our building destruction and new weapon mechanics. 

Information on the Core Breach event can be found here: Core Breach 2019

My work on Core Breach: 

  • Worked closely with Physics Engineers to develop new physics for controlling the Mechs

  • Balanced both Mech weapon loadouts and the unique 'Core Breach' death explosion

  • Helped identify how the Respawn system should work on the Tools side, easing implementation for future event modes 

  • Created new pickup types for Mechs to use when walking over them

  • Assisted with the creation of a new map specifically designed for Core Breach

  • Ran multiple playtests each week to iterate on both Mech physics assets

Halloween Event Mode

July - August 2018

​The annual Halloween event mode in World of Tanks Console consists of players fighting each other using Monster versions of existing tanks in the game. Players who purchase a Monster tank can enter the mode and use the abilities equipped. Each year two new Monster tanks are created, each requiring new artwork, SFX, and custom abilities. 

I’ve also helped balance and playtest the 2019 and 2020 Halloween modes as needed

Details for Halloween 2018 are located: Halloween 2018

My work consisted of: 

  • Designed and implemented the Monster Abilities for the Bog Horror and Wraith tanks​

  • Balanced existing Monster tanks using 2017 analytics

  • Worked with the Tank Artists to develop a unique look for the Bog Horror and Wraith

  • Held weekly playtests to gather feedback and iterate on all aspects of the mode




Damaged Core