Project Factions


Systems Designer

September 2017 - November 2017

Phosphor Studios

Project Factions is a cancelled title built in Unreal 4 under Telltale Games as the publisher

Factions is a cancelled title due to Telltale Games going bankrupt as a studio and publisher. The game was set in the Walking Dead universe and planned to become a hardcore survival game emphasizing strong social interactions between players to survive and brutal melee combat.

As a Systems Designer on the title, I acted as a bridge between our engineering and level design team. I prototyped major gameplay systems early in order to provide a clear picture to Telltale executives and to relieve the engineering team of major tasks.

During my short time on Project Factions I contributed:

  • Prototyped an inventory system complete with: Picking up items, dropping items, storing items in a global inventory, weapon degradation, inventory item sorting, and a UI menu showcasing all necessary elements. All done in Blueprint.

  • Collaborated with level designers to create a prototype Outpost Blueprint. The Outpost BP featured interchangeable static meshes, configurable splines for fences, a Capture the Flag location for Faction sabotage, Faction inventory locker, and spawn points.

  • Implemented a Main Menu system complete with working Character Creation, Options, Server Selection, and Play Now menus. Initial mockups were created in Adobe XD and implemented in UE4 using UMG widgets.

  • Created a high quality cinematic trailer using Matinee, rendered in engine.

  • Paper designed a complex Perk system players would utilize as their character grew stronger in game


Project Cherry