Daily Dungeon

A Diablo inspired top down dungeon crawler utilizing excellent art asset packs and gameplay built by yours truly

 About the Project

I started Daily Dungeon as a way to sharpen my skills working in Unreal 4. At Wargaming we used our own proprietary engine to build World of Tanks and in April of 2020 I decided to open Unreal 4 up and start making something of my own. I’m utilizing a few art asset packs to replace the greybox work I did early on, however all Blueprint work was implemented by me!

I focused heavily on building various systems using Blueprints and a variety of HUD and UI menus using Widgets. The project has been a great success so far, as I’ve channeled my creative side towards re-learning portions of Unreal 4 in an effort to stay up to date with the latest and greatest the engine has to offer.

The project isn’t finished, but I have created a variety of systems and levels myself:

  • Main Town for the player to explore and purchase new items, gear, spells, and more from

    • Lighting pass on the Main Town as a way to explore how lighting works in Unreal 4

  • An initial Castle level with multiple routes to explore, items to pickup, and enemies to fight

  • A spell system designed for easy iteration. Implementation was done via a master Ability Data Table holding all key information for each spell. So far a few spells have been created such as:

    • Magic Missiles (Point and click to fire a flurry of Magic Missiles forward)

    • Fire Tornado (Place a Fire Tornado in world that deals AOE damage and persists for a set duration)

    • Lightning Vortex (Place an AOE indicator on the ground to summon a burst of Lightning from the sky)

    • Self-Heal

    • Teleport

  • A HUD bar holding key information for the player:

    • Equipped Spells with a contextual widget that details spell information if you hover the mouse cursor over the icon

    • Spell cooldown

    • Health bar

    • Mana bar

    • Experience bar

    • Currency acquired

  • Spell unlock and selection menu built using Widgets

  • An inventory system driven by Data Tables detailing item rarity, durability, damage, effects, and more

  • In-world traps like spinning blades, poison darts, and trap doors

  • Basic AI that follow the player around and attack

  • Advanced AI that roam an area and attack the player on sight. Some advanced AI have different AI states that change their behaviors based on how much health they have lost.

  • An Object Fade Blueprint component that detects if the player character is about to, or already has, become obfuscated by geometry and fades the specific geometry down to a low opacity. This allows the player to move throughout the world without losing sight of their character behind walls, pillars, etc.


The High Seas